Mad Scientists

Kell's Wonderful Life
Kell's Wonderful Life
Mad Scientists

Science is a discipline of testing hypothesis against emprical experiments. Most of what people call ‘mad scientists’ are really just engineers with a grudge. Yet history is replete with nuts, kooks, cranks and shysters. Dr. Kell discusses the mad science and scientists of our age.

A Toast To Toast

Kell's Wonderful Life
Kell's Wonderful Life
A Toast To Toast

Dr. Kell is fond of many things – but food and history is chief among them. Turning his attention to the humble act of tactical burning of sliced bread, he unravels the history of toasting from its origins to post-war economics and modern and increasingly esoteric methods for toasting toast.

Working Like A Dog

Kell's Wonderful Life
Kell's Wonderful Life
Working Like A Dog

Why do we work so dang hard anyway? As a doctor of robotics, Dr. Kell knows the meaning of hard work – but does anyone know why they put in all that effort in the first place? There may be years of personal sacrifice on the alter of study before you even get paid a dollar, so there must be a pretty compelling reason. Right?

Morning Must Be Stopped!

Kell's Wonderful Life
Kell's Wonderful Life
Morning Must Be Stopped!

Humans are an odd bunch for many reasons – not the least of which is our complete disregard for the natural cycles of day and night. The good Doctor Kell is surprised to discover that mornings comprise half the day. How did this come to be? What can be done? Mornings are out of control and they must be stopped!

The Geopolitics Of Chocolate

Kell's Wonderful Life
Kell's Wonderful Life
The Geopolitics Of Chocolate

Chocolate has a history spanning thousands of years – but in the last century our relationship to chocolate has changed substantially. From once being the privileged reserve of the fabulously wealthy to becoming a popular confection enjoyed by everyone, Dr. Kell relates the surprising past and present of chocolate.

Super Science & Schizophrenia

Kell's Wonderful Life
Kell's Wonderful Life
Super Science & Schizophrenia

In this series the esteemed Dr. Kell – whose doctorate is in robotics engineering – will take you on a tour through history and culture. This first episode looks back at the side-by-side development of revolutionary technology and political revolutions in the USA during the 1950s.